Okay, this is a big one. Pulled pork can have a singular effect on an entire weekend. Preparation can begin the night before, doesn't have to, unless you count brining and getting your rub ready. I'm … [Read more...]
This Rub
This rub, right here. After several years of throwing handfuls of spices and herbs together with reckless abandon, at some point I needed to find a flavor that was consistent enough for someone as laz... [Read more...]
Waffle Mix
Yay! Waffles! From Alton Brown. &n... [Read more...]
Chicken Stock
Homemade chicken stock. There is simply no substitute. And haste is discouraged, so set aside a few hours or so. You should pick one of your lazy weekend days so that there is nothing to distract you ... [Read more...]
About Papasaurus
I was told to type stuff here....
"I am the damn pater familias!" - Ulysses Everett McGillThat's right. I am The Papasaurus. I like being The Papasaurus. I love to cook... [Read more...]
Ed’s Black Bean Salsa
My favorite salsa, ever. I've probably made this salsa more than any other dish. It started as a recipe borrowed from a friend, and just kind of evolved with constant use. ... [Read more...]
Ed’s “Git In Mah Belly!” Black Bean Chili
This is one of the very first recipe's to get my attention when I REALLY wanted to improve any cooking skills I may have thought I had. At the time. Spawned from a salsa recipe given to me by a very g... [Read more...]